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Endless Tears episode one

  Never have i fathomed in my little mind that i will be drained of my goals,my eyes have always been fixed on that spot ,.I always spy on my neighbour's television just to be able to listen to news , watch beautiful people and aspired to be like them but everything spell of that changed all of a sudden .My diverted brain was hacked by a stronger device and i was left with only one thing to drive every action ,"my emotions to corper Bello"
   Corper Bello appeared and became the driver of my emotions because he has the key to my heart,my legs dragged slugging on the fanciful road of Abuja, as i dragged my legs to meet the pace of my parents where setting

We have spent three days in Abuja doing only thing', searching for corper Bello,i can not believe this is happening to me,my legs strange and my waist paining me from excess walking.every one i saw was neatly dressed ,. Even though this was my first time moving out from my local village,i was not enjoying myself ",move faster pregnant woman'my father shouted" and stop dragging yourself ,people who were passing-by turned and was looking at us ,i bowed my head down in shame.
    Yes am pregnant for corper Bello ,dad never stopped reminding me of it like i can ever forget, how can i forget the news that killed my dreams? and brought shame to my face .,you this useless thing,when you know you can't handle the rigor of pregnancy,why did you spread out your legs wide like a satellite dish ? My dad continued shouting to me ,I held back the tears in my eyes and continued walking with my head bowed ,thoughts vacated my head as i walked lifelessly behind my parents
 "*Ahh ahh nnayi" my mother murmured bitterly
Shot up woman my dad shouted at her , look at you ,like mother like daughter"he hissed ,you better find the useless man that impregnated your daughter ,if not you both will leave my house ,he hissed again ,i wonder where your waywardness will lead you to,we don't have useless daughters in my family , probably i from your mother's family. 
Pains sliced through me like a million sliced i have brought shame to my my family i cried out

Ps..Nnayi means ,my husband_"
The pictures,names used here are totally based on story,


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